Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to participate?
You may be eligible to participate if you are over the age of 18 and you live in one of the following Kentucky Counties: Adair, Bell, Estill, Jackson, Knott, Letcher, Lincoln, Perry, Pike, Rockcastle, Russell, or Whitley.
How long is the study?
Volunteers will be a part of the study for two years. You will be asked to provide us with information about your sleep and health every six months.
Do I have to drive to appointments?
REST-KY offers you options for participation. All study procedures can be completed from the comfort of your home or you can visit our University of Kentucky office in Lexington, KY.
Can I meet with a member of the research team?
Yes! If you have questions about the study or would like to discuss if REST-KY is for you, click here to schedule a phone call, video call, or a time to come in-person to our office at University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY. Our team is also available to meet with you to discuss questions you might have during study participation, or to help you with any study procedures.
What if I do not have a smartphone or my internet is unreliable?
That’s ok! We still want to hear from you. When you sign up to participate, we will ask you questions about your access to and comfort with online surveys and smartphone apps. Whenever possible, we will make individual arrangements that allow you to participate.
Will I be compensated for my time?
Yes. If you participate in the REST-KY study you will receive up to $685 for your time. Total amount of compensation will depend on the number of study activities you complete.
Will I learn about the study findings?
Yes! Participants will receive a newsletter with periodic updates on progress and findings from the REST-KY study. You can opt out of study updates at any time.
How will you protect my privacy?